This falls peony planting is what spurred the decision to expand.
New here? Let me catch you up.
This past fall we planted 1,200 peonies in an alfalfa field. In total, the space is around a half of an acre. There is currently 4 varieties:
Duchesse De Nemours
Coral Charm
Sarah Bernhardt
Dr. Alexander Fleming
Peonies can be productive for a 100 years (hope our grandkids like peonies!), but they do need a few years to get their mojo and really start producing. It was this that led us to dive in, and dive in deep. To build the farm of our dreams, we needed to start thinking ahead (more than the 12 months we farmers typically do).
We want to create an amazing on-farm experience and large perennials, like peonies, are apart of that. Our dream is to invite you to the farm where you can walk the 150 foot rows of peonies, take amazing photographs and harvest your own bouquet to take home and enjoy.
We couldn't wait to get the roots in the ground, not just from excitement, but because we have a few years lead time to create this experience we know you are going to love.
A garden is planted one flower at a time, and that is no different when it's a seven acre old alfalfa field!